Monday, August 15, 2011

Dress Yourself in Bleeding Madras

If you are not already listening to Vampire Weekend you best get to work on iTunes! These Columbia University grads are so adorable and super talented. So far I have seen them twice live and they have been amaaazing each time. Plus they sing about super relevant things such as Cape Cod, madras and the likes. If you're not already convinced I'm positive you will be after checking out the following two music videos.

However, if you do attend a show be weary of the fans. It seems on tour most of the people are nice well-groomed folk, however, the music festival attendees are another story completely. Vampire Weekend played at Pitchfork a few years back and I was practically jumped while trying to get a better view from the crowd. I wore a Cape Madras skirt and polo (completely against hipster music festival protocol apparently) and found myself in a ring of hippity-hipster boys while scouting a better vantage point. After shoving (shoving!) me they informed me that "this section is for true fans only" and that I should "go back to the OC". I was not aware Malibu Barbie had a secret stash of Cape Madras in the trunk of her pink convertible. And true fans? I wouldn't be surprised if they thought Hyannis Port was a nickname for those delightful on the spot johns scattered about the park.

I stuck out like a brightly colored sore thumb compared to all of these normal people...

If you're to see them live I suggest avoiding the festivals and the creatures therein. See them on tour... or just spend hours staring at their lovely faces via YouTube.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Whale Wars!

Tonight is the season finale of Whale Wars! I absolutely love this show and I think the Sea Shepherds are incredibly brave. The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is a non-profit which focuses on marine conservation and constantly battles shark poaching, seal hunting and, most famously, whaling. They are currently running a marathon on Animal Planet leading up to the finale so if you need to catch up start tivo-ing now! This is the second time I've seen the episode in which the Shepherds are called on to search for the Norwegian sailboat Berserk and if you're anything like me and you've seen it you were balling your eyes out for quite a while. Sailing accidents scare me more than plane crashes and my heart always goes out to those involved. Especially because even the most experienced, seasoned sailors in existence can be defeated by mother nature. It still gives me chills that Joshua Slocum, the first man to sail alone around the world, could make such a journey only to disappear with his trusty Spray on a routine trip 11 years later.

Berserk's life raft being recovered after spotted by Sea Shepherd pilot Chris Aultman

I think this is definitely a cause worthy of donation so my inner shopaholic was especially delighted to find this Sea Shepherd tank by Chaser LA on a recent shopping trip. Not only can I show my support in wearing it but a portion of the proceeds are donated to the organization.

If the store had carried this sweater I probably would have purchased it as well but I was able to find both items available for purchase at the Black Label Boutique. For more information, to donate, or to volunteer check out the Sea Shepherd website here.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

DDP and Emmy Noms

I was glad to see today that I'm not the only one in the District with a Diet Dr. Pepper dependence!

Also, I am so happy to see sooo many Emmy nominations for three of my absolute favorite shows this years!

I thought The Kennedy's was done beautifully. I've always had a quirky crush on Barry Pepper ever since his sniper role in Saving Private Ryan and for some reason his portrayal of Bobby made me melt and has now elevated his to SUPER crush status. I know the series received criticism but I took it for what it was (a drama, not documentary) and I enjoyed it.

I love love love Downton Abbey. Literally counting the days until the second (and third) season!

Last but not least my inner dork is revealed. Civil War week was probably my most anticipated television event of the year and it did not disappoint! If you haven't yet seen Gettysburg I suggest you do--150 year anniversary is a big one. Respect.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Miss Pixie's

I popped into Miss Pixie's Furnishings and Whatnot and lookie look what I found! The owner told me a woman had come in a few days before and fished out the sailing flag monograms for every member of her family so I was delighted to at least find mine and the boyfriend's initials.

Note that my initial also signals "affirmative" whereas RAS's (or BAS depending on what you call him) signals "dangerous goods". Uh oh! I find this hilairious because, aside from his questionable taste in music, RAS is the farthest thing from a "bad boy".

I also grabbed some numerals that are of no significance to me but quite pretty!

Big ole RL pillow.

Pixie's was also full of amazing furniture that I would have snatched up immediately if only I was a full time DC resident. Maybe someday...

Key+Monogram=Preppy Kappa Obsession

I recently received THE cutest necklace as a gift from my mother and have gotten non-stop compliments since. It's my monogram (love) in the shape of a key (super love). It was purchased at Alixandra Collections in St. Louis and only came in silver on a long chain. I swapped out the long chain for a shorter one and wear it almost every day. It's a great conversation started and I was even served one of the worlds cheesiest pick-up lines because of it. "Is that the key to the city or the key to your heart?" Um, no. I am super glad I have a new go-to gift for all the Kappa ladies in my life. I also found a similar necklace that also comes in gold at The Girly-Twirly for those of you not blessed with an Alixandra Collections.

Ruff & Ready

If you live in the DC area you best RUN and not walk to Ruff and Ready Furnishings! They are closing at the end of August and trying to unload as much as possible at HALF PRICE if you pay with cash and 40% off if you use a card. I am actually not from the area and was headed to a different store when I walked by and saw a print of Williamsburg, Virginia in a sidewalk pile labeled “free”. After rescuing it from its hideous frame I spent another hour or two digging around inside the store.

First Day Loot:

The store resembles an episode of hoarders more than an actual retail space and there are some piles of treasure that are plain inaccessible because of the clutter but I went back the next day determined to do more digging and scored what may be my most prized find yet. As I was leaving, a sailboat thingy caught my eye so I grabbed it only to realize it was a trophy. And it was awarded to someone named R.B.{InsertMyLastName}. How funny for such a thing to find me so far from home! I am now determined to find out who this R.B. fellow is because if he was a sailor I’m convinced we must be related.

Day Two Loot:

The silver is a work in progress. The first picture is the before and the second the after. However, it really isn't an after seeing as some of the silver has a long way to go and I'm not even sure it can be rescued. I've tried just about everything and the DC apartment now smells like rotten eggs thanks to many rounds of baking soda/foil attempts. If anyone has any tips please let me know!

The lighting was inconsistent but you get the idea...

My favorite find! It needs to be cleaned up but I still think it was a great discovery.

I went shopping at L.L.Bean...

And all I got was this lousy cookie....

Ok so it is pretty cute--but it was about the only cute thing in the entire store. I usually order things from LL online when I need them but I was excited to see they had a store right around the corner from the PA restaurant where I was having dinner last night. Afterwards I stopped in, only to be disappointed. Oh, LL what is happening to you?

I did pick up two books next door though so it wasn't a complete fail.

I always did think Ben Franklin would make a wonderful poolside companion.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Treats & Eats

I am currently OBSESSED with the chile-lime rub from Williams-Sonoma. I put it on everything and it makes food ten times better so I can make meals for RAS and pretend I actually know how to cook. I'm actually considering mixing it with something (mustard, mayo, ranch perhaps?) to make a sauce. This could either be really amazing or really disgusting. Thoughts?

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Second Story Books

Recently while heading to dinner I passed Second Story Books in Washington DC's Dupont Circle. It was closed but I was curious so I went back later in the week and was so glad I did! After browsing the sidewalk sale books I went inside and searched through the prints. I was so elated when I found this Harper's Weekly illustration of my midwest hometown from 1876.

I also picked up John T. McIntyre's Drums in the Dawn and Kenneth Roberts' Rable in Arms.

Pretty pretty inside covers. I just adooore old books!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Taking the Plunge

Well, I've decided after years of reading other blogs that I would finally dive in headfirst. One thing in common among most of the blogs I follow is an absolute DEEEvotion to all things pink, green and Lilly. On that note I figured I'd share about my recent visit to the Lilly Pulitzer store on Madison in NYC. My weekend trip allowed only a short window of time for shopping and after hitting up Scoop, Saks and Brooks Brothers and leaving empty handed I was quite frustrated. All of that changed the moment I stepped into that pink and green paradise on Madison Avenue. Not only was their entire front room filled with sailboat prints, but they were also hosting the SALE of the century. I spent a good two hours in the store and came out with some amazing things but my favorite by far has to be this dress:
My second favorite would have to be my "Skinny Dippin" skirt:

Of course the only one left in my size features the skinny dippers front and center!

A final note: After choosing the title I realized it may come off a little too “summertime, and the livin’ is easy” to first time readers. The intended meaning is that I feel privileged to have such a full and happy life and can’t wait to share some of that joy with fellow bloggers. I strongly believe in working hard and I’m very disdainful of entitlement so don’t get it twisted!